Business Services
WWU Contract Administration Website
Contract Admin contact info: / 360-650-3340 Contract Amin FAQ’s
Contract Administrator for Student Engagement: Susanna Schronen Contact info: / 360-650-3150 / Teams message
Deadline for contracts: Contracts needs to be submitted for review at least 1 week prior to event.
Approval Workflow:
- Contract Submitted by Supervisor
- Susanna (or Cynthia as backup) updates with the fields that are required and, most importantly, sets the "Approved to Form Yes/No"
- Ping Shawna on Teams the CMM#
- Shawna chooses the ASVU Workflow Title and updates back on Teams once completed
- Susanna can then Request Approval and start the approval process
- Once approved by the Supervisor, Susanna will send out the Docusign form for signatures.
Types of Contracts
What is needed:
- Contractor (Artist/Speaker/Performer) Legal Name
- Representative (if any)
- Address
- Phone
- Date/Time/Place of event
- Scope of work
- Payment Amount
- Travel (if any)
We use these for food trucks, short term vending at an event (i.e. pizza vendor at an Outdoor film) and catering outside of Chartwells, mostly at heritage dinners when the food is specific to a culture.
What is needed:
- Contractor (Restaurant) Business Name
- Representative (if any)
- Address
- Phone # of main contact
- Email Address of contact person
- Date/Time/Place of event
- Term of Contract (items being sold, how long is event, what are they doing for us)
- Payment Amount
Documents needed from business:
- Business License
- Health Department Permit
- Certificate of Insurance (COI) - showing general liability insurance and naming WWU as additionally insured. The way our contract office needs to see that stated is: Western Washington University, its trustees, officers, directors, employees and volunteers shall be named as an additional insured
Language needed:
“Contractor shall obtain all necessary releases from any individual appearing in any image or video segment produced to the University as part of this project. Contractor shall also provide the University with a copy of all licenses necessary for the inclusion of any images or music used in creating the above-referenced Videos. PUBLICITY Contractor shall not use in its external advertising, marketing programs, or other promotional efforts, any data, pictures, or other representation of the University except on the specific, written authorization in advance of University management. USING THE UNIVERSITY’S NAME, LOGO OR OTHER IDENTIFYING MARKS The Contractor recognizes and acknowledges that all rights and goodwill in the University’s name, logo and other identifying marks are the exclusive property of the University. The Contractor may include the University’s name, logo or other identifying marks on its website or other media with prior written permission from the Office of University Communications at (360) 650-3350. Such use must comply with the University’s Identity Information, including its logo usage, outlined on the Brand Central webpage of the Office of University Communications website ( The University reserves the right to terminate the Contractor’s license or permission for such use at any time and without cause being stated. The University may announce its affiliation with the Contractor on its website or other media in a manner deemed mutually acceptable to both Parties. COPYRIGHT All use of materials produced for the University under this Agreement are considered to be a Work Made for Hire and all copyrights to the Videos produced and any photographs or video segments, including any derivative works using segments of video and photographs produced in fulfilling the obligations of this Agreement, will belong solely to the University, subject to applicable laws and the provisions of Western Washington University’s Patent and Copyright Policy as promulgated under WWU POL-U4520. The University may use the Videos provided hereunder for any purpose, in the sole discretion of the University, including but not limited to commercial
use in the promotion of University programs and courses, marketing by use of website or E-commerce, or for use in any University-sponsored activity. The Contractor shall have no future rights of use of any materials produced for the University under this Agreement beyond those rights specifically granted to the Contractor herein. RELEASES Contractor acknowledges that students being interviewed as part of this Agreement are afforded protection from the commercial or public use of his or her image by University Policy and as a matter of public policy and pursuant to any applicable law. Contractor hereby agrees to obtain a Student Release, a sample of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, from each and every student interviewed for inclusion in any photograph or video segment which is made in the fulfillment of this Agreement, and shall furthermore produce the original signed releases to the University prior to requesting payment for delivery of the Videos. Contractor will furthermore obtain a Release from any faculty member or individual not associated with the University who is interviewed as part of the fulfillment of Contractor’s obligations under this contract, and will provide the original release to the University along with the Videos produced hereunder.”
We use this contract for vendors selling t-shirts, jewelry or other non-food items at AS events.
We use this contract for the vendors that are ongoing yearly Vendors Row here at the VU.
This is for groups outside of WWU who do a ropes course (led by a WWU employee) at Lakewood.
This is for our AS art gallery in the VU, as far as I know there aren’t issues with this one it’s just ATF signatures are out of date.
Expenditure Requests
Sections on form:
Form of Payment:
- Student Reimbursement – complete and current address, W#, phone and WWU email must be entered for reimbursements to students. Check runs are every Wednesday, so the ER needs to be verified and approved by Monday morning. Receipts are required for purchases. Google map for mileage reimbursements.
- AS/VU Pcard to be checked out from VU FO – The ER needs to have a comment listing the date and time preferred for borrowing a pcard. VU FO staff will confirm or adjust with student contact via email. Pcards cannot be held overnight or for the weekend; they are available during office hours only. M-F, 9-4.
- Hold Check – these are used for Performers who have a signed contract in CMM. The check is picked up by the VUFO staff and held at the VU FO. The student/dept signs for the check which is to be handed to the performer after their performance. The contract and approved ER must be approved to Accounts Payable by Monday for a Wednesday check run. Therefore, the ER needs to be approved to the VU FO esign box early enough before the performance to accommodate this.
- Mail Check to Address – to pay vendors (businesses). ER needs to be approved to VU FO esign box by Monday to get it to AP by Wednesday’s check run. Invoice must be attached, detailing costs and total. If it is a new vendor, a W-9 needs to be obtained before it can be forwarded to AP. Payment Information section needs to be completed with address and W# for this form of payment.
- Open Order – used to cover costs for interdepartmental purchases.
- Pcard Purchases – when staff who have a pcard makes a purchase that will be reconciled in A receipt needs to be attached to the ER for backup / audit purposes.
- Purchase Order – There are only 3 businesses that now accept our PO’s: Fred Meyer; Pizza Time, Swank. The VUFO staff creates the PO and emails it to the student/advisor. This PO needs to be printed out and handed to the vendor upon pickup of purchases. Receipt must come back to the VU FO in order for the vendor to be paid (Pizza Time sends invoices at end of quarter).
- University Credit Card – all details (links, carts) need to be attached/listed on the ER so the VU FO can place the order. All orders are delivered to the VU Finance Office (VU538). Students/departments are emailed when product arrives for pickup. Shipping and tax need to be added to the NTE amount. If the actual order total is over 10% of what is listed on the ER, the ER will be disapproved for updating by the advisor/ budget authority. Please allow adequate time before the event (a minimum of 1 week, preferably 2 weeks) for delivery. Sometimes a delivery will go directly to Mail Services which then delivers to our office next day.
- Western Marketplace – VU FO staff places the order through Western Marketplace website. Products will be delivered to VU FO for pickup (VU538).
Payment Information:
For reimbursements, hold & mail checks, the entire section with current address and W# do need to be completed. Other forms of payment can just list the vendor name.
“Description of Items” – links to the website product is super helpful (ex. Amazon orders). Another help is the login and password information (with items in a cart) for more specialized websites.
Budget Information:
- Please verify the budget and codes. Clubs all have an ASB code. My goal is to send out an updated Student Engagement Chart of Accounts every quarter at a minimum which will have any updates to clubs and departments.
- For food / beverage purchases: any time E263, E287 are used, the Food/Beverage section must be completed by selecting “yes”.
- For gift / prize purchases: an additional form needs to be started and approved before purchases can be made or reimbursed (Request to Provide Award, Prize, Incentive, or Gift). We must have the winner’s name and W# in order to comply with University policy. The VU FO staff can update the winner’s information and lock these forms. The account code to use is always E662. o WWU Standard for gifts etc.
The Event name and date is super helpful for prioritizing action by our office. We ideally ask a week to process orders and shipping time needs to be considered as well. Checks need to be at the VU FO by Monday morning in order to get to AP for the Wednesday check run.
For student reimbursements ONLY – the Budget Authority must initial the attestation. All other forms of payment do not need the BA’s initial in this section.
Routing the form:
Students start/submit the form to the supervisor (budget authority) for review and approval either to the Financial Manager or to our office.
Purchases over $1000.00 and travel all need to be approved by both the Financial Manager (Michael Sledge) and the VP of Student Activities. Our office can assist with routing to these offices.
Requesting a Clover
Student Engagement Clover Esign Form - used for Student Engagement Clovers and change fund requests
- Examples of a completed form: 1831260 & 1826703
Deadline: Approved form needs to be in our inbox 3 business days prior to event.
Section II: Event information needs to be detailed and accounts verified by the Supervisor before approving the form to our office. Event date and time must be entered.
*If there are any changes to the event, the form can be updated and resent (“approved”) to our office inbox.
Cash sections needs a “yes” or “no” answer. Supervisor to contact club / office if not selected.
Section III: Student must click both boxes to acknowledge the agreement.
Section IV: Our office chooses “approved” or “not approved”. In the comments section, we confirm the budget string, account codes and passcode for the clover device if approved. If not approved, we detail the reasoning for this determination.
The SE Business office contacts the student on the form via email regarding the approval or disapproval of the request, detailing training and procedural instructions.
Training takes about 5 minutes and occurs when the students check out the device & change fund.
Note: devices and change funds must be checked out and returned same day. Only specific circumstances can be pre-approved for holding the items overnight. These requests must be clearly written on the clover form and approved by the supervisor and the SE Business Office. Details on how the items will be located and secured (locked up) are required.
Our business office is located at VU538 and is open M-F, 9-4. Building Managers are available to help with items after hours (4pm – VU closing).
Using the Student Business Office:
If the SE Business Office cannot accommodate the request AND it is 2 weeks before the event, we will refer the club / office to the Student Business Office. Last minute requests cannot be processed by the SBO.
SBO request for Change Fund & Virtual Terminal esign form
SBO accepting payments website
Note: For other departments that frequently borrow our credit card readers, the SBO has implemented a $20 late request fee for event requests submitted with less than five days' notice. Initially, they exempted clubs from this fee because such requests were rare due to the availability of Clover devices. However, if the frequency of last-minute requests from clubs continues to increase, this exemption may no longer apply.
Business Travel:
Purpose of travel is for attending conferences, seminars, and workshops which enhance the growth of the organization and the Student Engagement as a whole. This also includes travel related to programming and SE business operations. The SE will in most cases, pay for transportation, lodging, registration fees and per diem expenses. This is considered official state travel.
**At this time, no SE business travel is allowed due to budgetary restrictions**
Activity Travel:
Purpose of travel is to attend club leadership/organizational development conferences, social or recreational activities which will enhance a particular organization’s operation. Participants of activity travel are expected to cover expenses associated with travel but funding sources are available through the Activities Council and Ethnic Student Center Steering Committee.
Contracted Travel:
This section is to address travel for visiting artists and speakers.
- Travel, lodging, and food expenses for visiting artists and speakers must be included as a condition of the contract. Expenses for guests of the artists or speaker will not be paid for unless it is a condition of the contract.
- It is preferred that the contractors pay for travel themselves and be reimbursed upon completion of contract and providing a copy of receipts (this is required for airfare and car rentals). The contractor can be reimbursed for mileage not to exceed the WWU mileage rate.
- Food for visiting artists and speakers can be paid for in several ways. A per diem amount for food can be included in the contract and paid directly in a check to the contractor. A not to exceed amount for hospitality can be included in the contract and the AS sponsor will purchase and provide the food. Meal buy-out check amounts can be indicated in the contract. SE event sponsors can take artists/speakers out to eat at a local restaurant (see AS Hospitality Policy for details).
- It is preferred that the University make the arrangements and pay for lodging because a discounted state rate is available in most instances.
Travel Form (TF): This is required when traveling out of state or traveling for over 24 hours. Must be completed and submitted a minimum of two weeks before travel date; one month before if using air travel. No funds can be expended until the TF has been approved through one of these Financial Managers:
Expenditure Request (ER): An ER is required to receive reimbursement or pay for, meals, lodging, registration and/or transportation costs. All expenses must be approved by through the Financial Manager of the SE, ESC or ASWWU.
The Travel Form needs to be routed and approved through Michael Sledge a minimum of 2 weeks prior to departure. There are no exceptions to these procedures.
FYI, our office cannot make partial payments with the university credit card. If any tickets/reservations are higher than NTE amount, the only option is for the recipient to purchase the tickets/reservations and submit an ER for reimbursement.
(all information below needed for each traveler)
- Name as listed exactly on ID to be presented at airlines
- Date of Birth
- Gender: M/F
- Cell phone number
- Email address
- Flight dates and airports of departure and arrival
- Preferred flight times for departure and arrival (all directions for roundtrip)
- Need a contact name and number to set up a meeting to book tickets
- Hotel name, phone number, website address
- Check in & check out dates (exact dates)
- Quantity of rooms
- Quantity and size of bed(s) per room (ex. 1 King, 2 Queens, etc.)
- Full name of guest for reservation
- How many people per room
- Contact name and number (if questions arise)
- Website address and login information
- First and Last name of each attendee
- Contact cell and email
- Dietary restrictions (if needed)
- Emergency Contact name and number (if needed)
- Contact name and number of traveler (if questions arise)
Car Rental:
WWU has an agreement with Enterprise rental. Student travelers do not need to have the 25-years-old minimum age requirement because of our contract with them.
- Dates and time of pick up and drop off
- Location of pickup and drop off
- Size of vehicle / # of occupants in vehicle
- Name and age of who will be driving (they must complete the Driver Training Canvas course)
- Contact name and cell number of traveler (for any questions)
Personal Vehicles:
- Student drivers must complete the Driver Training Canvas course and approve the Travel Form as recognition of course completion.
- As of January 1,2024, personal vehicle mileage rate for reimbursement is $0.67/mile. A Google Map showing the route can be attached to the travel form as backup for reimbursement.
- If gas is to be reimbursed, all receipts MUST be attached.
Student Engagement Motor Pool Vehicles:
Motor Pool vehicle reservation form may be found through Mazevo. Cost is per mile (which includes gas).
Ferry Travel:
An official letter that confirms that your travel is official state business must be obtained from the VU Finance Office prior to travel in order to receive the state discounted rate on ferry tolls.
Food / Per Diem:
WWU Travel Services Per Diem webpage
Bellair Airshuttle:
Bellair Charters & Airporter website
- Flight dates and times (if available)
- Single or roundtrip
- Name of passenger
- Pick up is generally Bellingham Four Points Sheraton and drop off at SeaTac
- Contact name and cell number of traveler (for any questions)